Thank God for IT….

Bear with me a minute, we’re not trying to pat ourselves on the back, we’re just posting a comment we received multiple times over the Christmas period which sparked an interesting trend… People seem to enjoy the silly season a little bit longer, we’ve had quite a few requests for backup restores over the last few weeks, management spreadsheets, financials, proposals, quotes…. It seems sometimes people cut and paste from the wrong spot, or dissect a document, and accidentally save it..

Backups have been an essential requirement in business for years, but we still come across many archaic “daily/weekly/monthly” set backups, that means there’s a potential for a minimum days’ worth of work to be lost. Worse still, if the backup has any integrity issues, there can be further ramifications.

We work with leading backup providers to ensure down to the minute backups of your files, allowing easy recovery from any mistakes, accidental deletions or file corruptions. With the ability to set a retention policy on files, and access to unlimited cloud storage, you can ensure you can pull out a verified, “as-was” version at a specific point in time.

Luckily, we’re only dealing with a few people who made some innocent mistakes, in the event of malicious actions by an employee or unauthorised user, it’s important to have a rigid disaster recovery plan to get your business back online and secured, as soon as possible.

With new laws coming into effect in Australia regarding mandatory breach reporting (we’ll have another article on that shortly), it’s important to ensure your business is protected from all evolving threats (and accidents!).

If you don’t know how your backup solution is working for you, or if you’ve ever tried to recover a file and been told it’s unavailable, it’s probably time to upgrade to a modern solution that’s robust, reliable, and can scale as your business grows. Let’s talk.